Freetime? Who needs it?

So, today I checked what has to be done in school, and got a shock xD... it's A LOT now!
Writing a CV, study to 4 exams, writing a report, read and review a book... so yeah, a lot... considering the study books we have to read for the exams are so huge, that they weren't meant for reading, they were meant for killing xD

I finally started my abs training now xD... I hope I can keep it up... 2 days in a row training, that says at least something xD... however I have no idea how long it will last this time.
Also dancing is going okay, havn't given up on that yet...

Other than that... life is still the same. Of course I have not much freetime now, but what do I need freetime for?
Friends?... ehhh, yeah right, where?.... Those 2 I got, have never time for me, and my msn friends live far far away from me, sometimes in a country far far away from me. So yeah, what do I need freetime for anyway? Since I don'¨t really use that freetime to anything else than die infront of the computer or sleep through the day, so I get the freetime overwith.

Sleeping is a huge hobby of mine ;),... there I can have a normal happy life, but wake up to reality is always a pain in the arse. So of course I sometimes wish I could just dream forever, but that might been living a life of lies.
When God gave out happiness, he must have forgot about me :P.... so of course Al Bundy is my idol ;)


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