Remember what we had? What happend?
I went to my IMVU presentation, and the memories striked me. i was once happy, even on IMVU... the happiness became bigger, and better, but what happend then?... Remember the days we were on IMVU?... even when we moved on to MSN?... what went wrong? What did I do?... it's been to long ago now, what did I do so wrong :(
Why can't anything go as I want it to go. Instead I am thinking about if a future me, will come visit me, telling me that I will have an accident soon, and wont survive. Then ask me, if I want to stop that from happening.
Would I really stop it?... I don't think I would, but with my luck I would survive... and just live on and on and on.
I ruin everything and everyone. None stays with me, no wonder I don't have friends. I was actually thinking about this today. Why don't I have friends?...
When I was little, before schooltime started... I had a lot of friends. Well I live in a small village, been living here whole my life. When I was little, we all youngsters hang around. Years passed, school started, people changed... I changed into a shy kid, meanwhile others envolved in more social kids... so more years passed by, and I lost more and more friends.
Then some more years went, I ended up basicly almost alone, now I only had one friend left.... I made 3 new friends, which faded away later on anyway.
Back to the present, I have one last friend, that I can truly call a friend. Even though we barely talk, barely see eachother, I can call him a friend.
What happend? Why did I just lose more and more friends? Was it me? Was it them? Whatever the cause have been, I blame myself for everything...
IMVU gave me a bit of life back, new friends, even though online. They faded away as well... my friends on MSN fade away as well... give it 2 - 3 more years, and none will talk to me, not even on MSN.
So all I can do is remember what I had. I was happy sometimes. The happiest day of my lifes were not many, but they were. I dont know what happend, I neither want to say any further details about it. I dont know what happend, we just stopped talk often, we didn't meet, we just faded away....
Kyo, you always refer yourself to as not a god, nor a human... what does that mean? Really? What do he (I) mean about it. I'll let someone else try to answer that question... try your best to solve it.
Why can't anything go as I want it to go. Instead I am thinking about if a future me, will come visit me, telling me that I will have an accident soon, and wont survive. Then ask me, if I want to stop that from happening.
Would I really stop it?... I don't think I would, but with my luck I would survive... and just live on and on and on.
I ruin everything and everyone. None stays with me, no wonder I don't have friends. I was actually thinking about this today. Why don't I have friends?...
When I was little, before schooltime started... I had a lot of friends. Well I live in a small village, been living here whole my life. When I was little, we all youngsters hang around. Years passed, school started, people changed... I changed into a shy kid, meanwhile others envolved in more social kids... so more years passed by, and I lost more and more friends.
Then some more years went, I ended up basicly almost alone, now I only had one friend left.... I made 3 new friends, which faded away later on anyway.
Back to the present, I have one last friend, that I can truly call a friend. Even though we barely talk, barely see eachother, I can call him a friend.
What happend? Why did I just lose more and more friends? Was it me? Was it them? Whatever the cause have been, I blame myself for everything...
IMVU gave me a bit of life back, new friends, even though online. They faded away as well... my friends on MSN fade away as well... give it 2 - 3 more years, and none will talk to me, not even on MSN.
So all I can do is remember what I had. I was happy sometimes. The happiest day of my lifes were not many, but they were. I dont know what happend, I neither want to say any further details about it. I dont know what happend, we just stopped talk often, we didn't meet, we just faded away....
Kyo, you always refer yourself to as not a god, nor a human... what does that mean? Really? What do he (I) mean about it. I'll let someone else try to answer that question... try your best to solve it.